Debt-Free U


Debt-Free U includes smart and frugal tips and strategies on paying for college yourself, without bankrupting your parents or taking on massive loans.


These days, most people assume you need to pay a boatload of money for a quality college education. As a result, students and their parents are willing to go into years of debt and potentially sabotage their entire financial futures just to get a fancy name on their diploma.

But Zac Bissonnette is walking proof that this assumption is not only false, but dangerous – a class con game designed to rip you off and doom your child to a post-graduation life of near poverty. (Just so you know, Bissonnette wrote Debt-Free U: How I Paid for an Outstanding College Education Without Loans, Scholarships, or Mooching off My Parents while he was still in college.)

Armed with his personal knowledge, the latest data, and smart analysis, Bissonnette takes on the sacred cows of the higher education establishment. He reveals why a lot of the conventional wisdom about choosing and financing college is not only wrong but hazardous to you and your child’s financial future.

The book includes smart and frugal tips and strategies on paying for college yourself, without bankrupting your parents or taking on massive loans.


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