Crush School Student Guide


The Crush School Student Guide will show you how to study smart, learn things faster, and improve your school success.


To know how to study smart, learn things faster, and improve your school success, you will have to learn many of the microskills – the learning strategies that work – on your own. The good news is the strategies are common sense. The bad news? They’re not commonly taught in schools.

Luckily, you can learn what it takes in Oskar Cymerman’s “Crush School Student Guide: Learn Faster, Study Smarter, Remember More, and Make School Easier”.

The Crush School Student Guide will show you how to:

  • Learn how to plan, prioritize, focus, change habits, read faster, and use your brain efficiently.
  • Learn how your brain absorbs information and apply strategies that use it effectively.
  • Learn memory techniques not taught in school (Visual, Association, Memory Palace etc.).
  • Learn to do well on tests, make better presentations, and complete all school projects.


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