Naked C#: A Beginner’s Guide to Coding


What this course WILL do is give you a solid foundation in programming as a skill for life using C# as the vehicle. You will learn about the fundamental nature of the computer and how to communicate with it through the development of programs to perform a variety of tasks and solve numerous problems.


This course will not teach you to become a programmer. Programming is like martial arts, it takes years and years of practice. No course can make you a grand master no matter what it promises. What this course WILL do is give you a solid foundation in programming as a skill for life using C# as the vehicle. You will learn about the fundamental nature of the computer and how to communicate with it through the development of programs to perform a variety of tasks and solve numerous problems. Following the same curriculum used to teach first year computer science in university in the first six months of a degree, you will learn not just what to programme but 1) why it is is done like that and 2) how you can broaden your skill set in programming beyond this single course.


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