
Review: Puffin Little Scientist: The Solar System

The Puffin Little book series makes facts and figures super fun and super accessible for kids. Little Scientist: The Solar System takes kids on a space adventure. It introduces kids to key space concepts, like orbits, gravity and atmospheres, and dives into everything you need to know about the planets in our solar system, including […]

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2020-09-18 How to Solve a Problem: The Rise (and Falls) of a Rock-Climbing Champion by Ashima Shiraishi, illustrations by Yao Xiao

How to Solve a Problem: The Rise (and Falls) of a Rock-Climbing Champion by Ashima Shiraishi, illustrations by Yao Xiao

Published by Make Me a World Summary:  Rock climbers call boulders problems.  They also call problems problems.  Rock-climbing champion Ashima Shiraishi shows readers how she figures out a boulder problem, using techniques that can be used by any kind of problem-solver.  She maps out a plan before starting.  She doesn’t get it right the first […]

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